Complaints regarding warranty
- The Seller is liable to the Customer if the sold Goods have a physical or legal defect (warranty), where the physical defect consists in the non-conformity of the sold product with the contract. The Seller shall be liable under the warranty if the physical defect is found within 2 (two) years from the date of release of the Goods to the Customer. These provisions do not exclude or limit the rights of customers purchasing products as Consumers, provided for in applicable law, in particular in art. 556 - 576 of the Civil Code.
- If the received Goods have defects, the Customer has the right to file a complaint with the deadlines and terms of complaints specified in the applicable law.
- Making a complaint
In the case of complaint (i) the goods complained about, (ii) evidence of its purchase in the adam-baron.pl Online Store and (iii) description of the complaint, must be sent by post, courier or other form of shipment to the following address with the note "Complaint".
- Address for shipments of the Goods complained:
AB TRADE Sp. z o.o.
O/ Nowy Sącz
ul. Zielona 49, 33-300 Nowy Sącz
The necessary condition for considering the complaint is to provide the customer the product being complained along with proof of purchase and description of the complaint.
To submit a complaint, you can download and print the WARRANTY FORM below and attach to the parcel with the returned Goods.
- The Seller immediately, but no later than within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the receipt of the parcel with the Goods being complained, will respond to the complaint submitted under the warranty and inform the Customer about further proceedings.
- If the Customer's complaint is not acknowledged, the Company will send the Product back to the Customer together with the opinion that the complaint will not be valid.
- In the event of any damage to the Goods during shipment, it is recommended that the Customer before the receipt of the parcel check that the packaging has not been damaged in transport. In the case when the packaging of the parcel bears signs of damage, the Customer should not accept the parcel, only in the presence of the courier company employee, prepare a damage report and contact ASC as soon as possible.
• E: sklep@adam-baron.pl
- The goods sold in the adam-baron.pl online store are original and are covered by a guarantee granted by the Seller and the producer.
- The rights under the guarantee should be performed in accordance with the conditions included in the warranty card attached to the Goods. The guarantee (if it is covered by the sold Goods) does not exclude, limit or suspend the rights of the buyer under the provisions of the warranty for defects in the sold goods.
- In the case of the Goods for which the warranty is granted, the Customer may complain product with defects:
3.1. using the rights resulting from the granted guarantee - in accordance with the warranty conditions included in the warranty card;
3.2. using the rights to which the seller is entitled under the warranty - in which case a complaint should be lodged;
- Warranty implementation
The purpose of the guarantee is to:
4.1. Goods for warranty repair should be secured for transport;
4.2. print the WARRANTY FORM below and then fill it in a legible manner;
4.3. in the absence of space on the WARRANTY FORM, you can additionally attach your own document;
4.4. in the WARRANTY FORM, enter the bank account number to which any shipping costs or other benefits resulting from the guarantee are to be refunded;
Include a proof of incurred shipping costs. Otherwise, the possible payment of the amount due (including its return) will be impossible;
4.5. The goods for warranty repair together with the completed WARRANTY FORM, and possibly other documents, referred to above in this point, provide to the following address with the note "Guarantee"
Address for shipments of the Goods being complained:
AB TRADE Sp. z o.o.
O/ Nowy Sącz
ul. Zielona 49, 33-300 Nowy Sącz